Helping you with
UK Export Finance Schemes


As an accredited lender under UKEF schemes, we can support exporting business access guarantee schemes to accelerate their growth

UK Export Finance Scheme

Export activities can put extra pressure on the working capital needs of your business. We work with UK Export Finance to deliver finance to exporting businesses through both their General Export Facility and also the Export Working Capital Scheme.

Borrow in GBP
Revolving and term facilities for up to 24 months
Application to funding in days not months
Pricing from 1.5% per month
Fund per order, or as a general working capital facility
Fund on receipt of order

Product Overview

Our products are designed to make international trade easier for SMEs.

We work with hundreds of UK SMEs to support them as they grow internationally. With both secured and unsecured facilities available, businesses are able to access working capital solution to fund their growth and secure orders quickly.

Unlike traditional lenders who can take months to access a new facility, our approval process takes a few days end to end.

  • Unsecured and secured working capital facilities
    Up to £300,000 that can be drawn in full or in parts. Can be redrawn multiple times and is available on both a reducing capital and interest only basis

  • Contract specific finance
    Funding available when your business secures a new overseas order. Interest only funding that allows you to pay suppliers early to secure discounts.

  • Growth Finance
    Longer term debt finance facilities that are available for up to three years.

  • Competitive rates
    Rates from 1.5% per month, with an arrangement of up to 5%.

  • Can replace or work alongside an existing invoice finance facility

    Unsecured facilities can work alongside existing invoice finance facilities.

Let us help your business to thrive. Get in touch today.

Simply complete the form and one of our friendly team will be in touch to talk you through all of the options available to you

Or call our team now on 020 4525 8501

Aceon Group


“I had to borrow money very quickly to buy stock in Germany, or the opportunity would be gone,” he says. “I needed £100,000 within seven days, so I approached UK Export Finance, and after some initial discussions, they put me in touch with Newable Business Loans Limited.” It was a very slick and easy process. I’d recommend it to other SMEs.”

Copeland Distillery


“We’ve definitely had our struggles and our challenges,” says Irvine. “That’s where UK Export Finance came in, to support that hard growth stage we were faced with.” “They set up a General Export Facility which allowed us to purchase US stock among other things,” he says.

Giffard Newton and Sons

Managing Director

“They’ve also been very supportive in entering new markets. And even if it’s a market such as, for example, Iraq, which is a very difficult one for them to support from credit terms, they have put together alternative ways that they can support us.”